Grand Theft Auto V Gets Music

Music lovers rejoice for those lovely lads and lassies at Rockstar have released some exciting details about the soundtrack for Grand Theft Auto V. The most anticipated game of the year will feature 15 music stations, two talk radio shows and a massive 240 licensed songs covering the breadth of the L.A. music scene. Fancy a sneak, erm..  listen? Well you can you lucky so and so Rockstar have whacked some snippets up on Soundcloud and you can get to them via this handy link here. God bless the Internet!

If that wasn’t enough they have also confirmed that Cara Delevigne will be the DJ for Non-Stop-Pop FM (she’s a model by the way… in case like me you’d never heard of her).


Here she is…

If you missed the official trailer released last week you can check it out here:

So anyone else excited for this? No? Just me?

About the author


PictoPirate hails from the grim north and is only down south temporarily while he waits to win the lottery. He likes to play games and then write about them on his website and others if they will let him. Also he likes badgers, don't ask...
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