StarCraft Modders Release a StarCraft Mod: StarCraft Universe

Ryan Winzen and the plucky folks at SCU have put their troubles with Blizzard behind them and released StarCraft Universe: Chronicles of Fate, the long awaited StarCraft 2 mod.

Originally named World of StarCraft – hence the kick off with Blizzard (if you missed it you can read about it here), StarCraft Universe’s focus is on “recreating multiplayer raid battle experiences found in the game: World of Warcraft.”

You need copy of StarCraft 2 and access to Battle.Net to play it but if you’re any kind of RTS fan you should have a copy of that already, right?

It may only be a mod but it’s a pretty darn professional one featuring:

– A Custom Physics Engine (DarkRevenant)

– Professional Voice Acting (Michael Gough & Danielle McRae)

– An Original Soundtrack (David Orr)

Why not check out the trailer and see for yourself …

Are you going to give this a try? It looks pretty snazzy to me.

Source: Kotaku

About the author


PictoPirate hails from the grim north and is only down south temporarily while he waits to win the lottery. He likes to play games and then write about them on his website and others if they will let him. Also he likes badgers, don't ask...
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