Rocksmith is born to be wild with an American Woman who will never Surrender
Three more songs have dropped for Rocksmith, and each one will get your strumming fingers itching.
Three more songs have dropped for Rocksmith, and each one will get your strumming fingers itching.
The story of Sleeping Dogs development cycle is one of legend. At one point, it was set to be a True Crime sequel and was Activision’s well-targetted attack at the GTA and Saints Row franchise. However, after budgets were slashed and priorities shifted, Activision shelved the project. A few years on, Square…
We know Bioware are working on something big for Mass Effect 3, but we don’t exactly know what it is. Two screenshots were put out in the open through Twitter, but that’s as far as we’ve got. Thanks to a few data-miners, however, information has come tumbling down around us.
Even though none of us are in attendance, we’re still celebrating PdxCon. Now you can too. How? By joining in our massive Crusader Kings II competition!
Cor, that Capcom lot are making all the news today.
Capcom’s Christian Svensson has reassured PC gamers that news about the SFxT DLC could come as soon as the end of the week.
Diablo 3’s public test realm is about to get an update that features something players have been long waiting for.
War Of The Roses is about to be blessed with a DLC pack set to feature … Brian Blessed.
Check out the first trailers for new Battlefield DLC, End Game.
We’ve known for a while that Dead Space 3 will have micro-transactions. Earlier today, the official prices were released.