Dota 2 Introduces the Skywrath Mage
Dota 2 is about to get a new addition to its already huge character roster.
Dota 2 is about to get a new addition to its already huge character roster.
A major, massive SimCity update is coming this Monday and it’s fixing a lot of the problems you’ve been upset about.
Another major patch for Borderlands 2 has gone live, adding some subtle tweaks (perhaps in preparation for DLC 4 and the new Vault Hunter) as well as open unlockables for the upcoming Poker Night 2 from Telltale Games which will feature our good friend Claptrap.
League of Legends is about to get a host of new skins dedicated to one of your favourite professional teams, the Taipei Assassins.
To match the recent Living Story, several new items have been added to the in-game gem store within Guild Wars 2. First up is the Molten Alliance Pickaxe. Created with Dredge and Flame Legion technology, this pickaxe will have unlimited uses and the capability as an orichalcum pickaxe. However, it…
Gameplay tweaks, changes and a few new minor additions are the content of the most recent Arma 3 patch, 0.54.
As of the 26th April the original Guild Wars will be 8 years old, originally releasing back in 2005. Those who have been playing over the years are invited to celebrations in-game taking place between the 22nd April until the 29th.
One of the most beloved platformers of all-time is getting remastered this Summer. Castle of Illusion is back!
Star Wars: The Old Republic has finally seen the release of its first major expansion pack.
For all of you hoping to extend even further your Dragonborns’ tail through the world of Skyrim, you’re plum outta’ luck. Today, Bethesda Studios announced via it’s blog post ‘Bethesda Blog’ that it will no longer be producing any DLC for Skyrim and continuing support for the game will only come…
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