Ubisoft Unveils New IP

Ubisoft today announced a new IP called Grow Home dubbed a “quirky, experiential climbing game inspired by the likes of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and the adorable animated film Wall-E”. It started as an experiment within the Newcastle based Reflections studio and grew into an open-world game based on two main pillars:…


Project CARS has started our engines

Racers have a tendency to look utterly sublime and are easily the most realistic looking all games. Bandai Namco’s Project CARS is no exception. In the latest trailer entitled ‘Start Your Engines’, the game shows off an incredible attention to detail, as well as some slickly taken corners and beautiful…

As We Play

Saints Row Gat Out Of Hell – As We Play

Version Tested – Xbox One Some might say it’s a coincidence Saints Row is quick to follow GTA onto new-gen systems. Many argue there’s been a case of one-upsmanship between the two franchises for years, but to be honest, that’s selling Volition pretty short. Sure, Saints Row started off as…

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