Tomb Raider DLC will be entirely multiplayer based
Disappointing news for those who love raiding tombs. It has been confirmed by Crystal Dynamics that all upcoming Tomb Raider DLC will be multi-player focused.
Disappointing news for those who love raiding tombs. It has been confirmed by Crystal Dynamics that all upcoming Tomb Raider DLC will be multi-player focused.
Gearbox Software have confirmed at PAX East that the long awaited level cap for Borderlands 2 comes into effect on April 2nd.
League of Legends is one of the most popular MOBA’s out there, and you’ll hear me talk a lot about it. But many of you have probably never even heard of, or even played a MOBA. Join me as I explain in fine detail what League of Legends has to offer.
Runescape has been a popular MMO for a very long time. However, with time, comes change.
CCP Games has announced today at PAX East that the latest free expansion to its universe spanning sci-fi MMO will be coming June 4th 2013.
CS:GO has just been graced with a reworked Hostage mode, along with a brand new map, cs_militia.
Upon loading up SimCity, the game will automatically update itself to version 1.8.
Today, the hack’n’slash and overlord game Dungeonland will receive an update fixing bugs, adding improvements and some new items for the Mage class.
In one of Blizzard’s more unexpected announcements, they have announced a card game that will expand the World of Warcraft in new, unexpected ways.
In a recent report from Penny Arcade, it has been confirmed that Diablo 3 will be playable offline on Playstation 3 and the Real Money Auction House from the game has been removed entirely. Oh, boy…