Sonic Forces Super Sonic DLC will now be a free download
Super Sonic DLC for Sonic Forces is now available for free permanently
Super Sonic DLC for Sonic Forces is now available for free permanently
My Time at Portia launches on Steam Early Access today with console versions to follow
Assassin’s Creed Origins: The Hidden Ones DLC is out now and gets a new launch trailer
The first DLCast of 2018 looks ahead at all the DLC we can expect in the year ahead.
Call of Duty WWII Resistance event begins Jan 23 to tie in with DLC
Middle Earth: Shadow of War’s Blade of Galadriel DLC shown off in new cinematic trailer
Final Fantasy XIV 4.2 A Rise of a New Sun gets detailed in new trailer ahead of January 30 launch
Destiny 2 Iron Banner event is now live
Assasssin’s Creed Origins DLC has all been dated and will release before the end of March 2018
Fortnite 2.2.0 adds the Battle Royale map in its biggest update yet!