As We Play

Platformines – As We Play

So, Platformines eh? Not a game I’d encountered before. I took a couple of minutes to look it up on the tinterweb before jumping in. The official Steam page describes it thusly: Platformines is a unique 2D platformer packed with exploration, RPG and shooter elements, set in a vast 16-bit…

As We Play

0rbitalis – As We Play

One of the more amazing things about the modern-day game is the limited amount of interaction you can have with a product, yet still be completely and utterly spellbound by its content. Angry Birds is a perfect example. Hold your finger down, aim while pulling back, then just let go….


Cloud Chamber Interview with Investigative North

The one true evolving entertainment medium is the video game. Just when you think you’ve seen everything, something fresh comes along and blows your preconceptions out of the water. That can certainly be said of Cloud Chamber, a brand new multiplayer experience from Investigative North, a small Danish development team….


Death in Candlewood interview with Rosebud Games

Edgar Allan Poe is one of those timeless writers that continues to influence and shape much of our entertainment today. Scott Levy based an entire wrestling character around ‘The Raven’, quoting the famous writer when cutting promos. Kevin Bacon’s The Following is centred around a serial killer fascinated by Poe,…


Broken Sword V Episode Two releasing today

Surprise! Broken Sword V Episode 2 is coming soon. So soon, in fact, it will release today at 6pm. The long-awaited second part of Revolution Software’s kickstarted sequel is finally here and continues the ongoing adventures of George Stobbart and Nico Collard who have been thrown together for another perilous…

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