Crusader Kings III: Khans of the Steppe DLC launches April 28

A brand new Crusader Kings III DLC is launching on April 28!

Khans of the Steppe has been announced via a new trailer focused around the nomadic life and rise of the Great Khan.

You’ll be able to take charge of Nomadic Governments where you can ‘manage herd’ ‘migrate across regions’ and ‘establish dominance’

The Steppe Region will also offer ‘dynamic fertility changes’ which ‘force migration’ and Tributaries enable you to ‘establish flexible subject relationships’ – There will also be a new Bookmark as ‘Temüjin’ as well as ‘cultural events, and traditions such as new years’ celebrations with Tsagaan Sar.

Khans of the Steppe launches on PC on April 28.

About the author

Jay Jones

Jay is a massive football fan - Manchester Utd in case you were wondering - and lover of gaming. He'll play just about anything, but his vice is definitely Ultimate Team.
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