Departure Denied! – Episode #4 – The Quidditch Cup and the Challenges of Fortressing

Departure Denied is a Podcast dedicated to Harry Potter Wizards Unite.

It’s hosted by Expansive DLC and created by the Cardiff Wizards Unite Community.

If you missed the first three episodes, you can listen here.

On this episode, we reflect on our time on the Knight Bus, as well as our experiences of the Nature + Nifflers Event and the March Make-Up Community Day, while looking ahead at the rest of May’s events.

Big thanks to Kitsune Kirusu for creating the Departure Denied image.

This Podcast can also be found on iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, and Podbean.

This podcast is not affiliated with WB Games/Niantic/Portkey Games.

Credit goes to Orange Wizard for the images, Wizards Unite Hub and Animagus for information in his video.


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