
Starbound patch hits. No more resets!

That major Starbound patch you’ve been waiting for? The one that resets everything for the very last time, never to disrupt your game time ever again? It’s live. Yep, after this, no more losing your progress. Everything sticks. Now it’s all fun-fun-fun. Oh, and Permadeath! Here are the full patch…


Why are scores so important?

Every Saturday, I sit drinking decaff* coffee and reading the Guardian** with my wife. Generally, weekends are super busy with three highly sporty daughters – GB trials last week and next! – and there is little opportunity for gaming. Such is family life. I’d give weekends a solid 7 out…


Warframe 11.5 adds trophies to PS4

Good news. Long awaited Trophy Support has finally been added to Warframe on Playstation. Update 11.5, The Cicero Crisis, is pretty substantial. 11.5 adds ten new weapons, weapon skins and level expansions, as well as a ton of other features. Oberon, the Paladin Warframe assists all team efforts, whether it’s…

As We Play

The Stanley Parable – As We Play

As we play offers the thought strands of the reviewer as they’re going through the game. This offers unique content for the reader so they can come to understand the conflicting feelings of the reviewer as they’re playing a game for the very first time. All feedback on this concept is welcome….

As We Play

Blackguards – As We Play

As we play offers the thought strands of the reviewer as they’re going through the game. This offers unique content for the reader so they can come to understand the conflicting feelings of the reviewer as they’re playing a game for the very first time. All feedback on this concept is welcome….

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