Sleeping Dogs becomes a Movie Master
The sleeper hit of 2012, Sleeping Dogs (see what I did there?) continues to see additional support as we get knee-deep into 2013. This week will see a new costume pack that focuses on movie masters.
The sleeper hit of 2012, Sleeping Dogs (see what I did there?) continues to see additional support as we get knee-deep into 2013. This week will see a new costume pack that focuses on movie masters.
The next installment in the Splinter Cell franchise will sneak its way onto systems later this year. Yet it’s still managed to arrive with an attention-seeking Collector’s Edition, complete with in-game DLC.
Ooo arr, me ‘arties. Ship shape and set sail for the seven seas. Avast ye… Sorry about that. Pirates temporarily hacked us. Those peg-legged punks think they’re sooo funny. Well, they won’t be laughing when the Harbour Master content hits Port Royale 3…
You know what’s trippy? When developers announce DLC ahead of a game’s release. Trippier than that? When they announce a price!
Niche and un-localised Playstation Vita title, Ciel No Surge Re:Incarnation, is getting some costume pack DLC
In an interview with Digital Spy, Producer Yoshinori Kitase has confirmed that any DLC plans for Final Fantasy XIII-3 won’t be story-based.
Season 1 of Spartan Ops is already in full-swing as Episode 7 launches this Monday.
I really hated replacing the S in the title with a $. You have no idea how much I hated doing that… Anyway, Just Dance 4 is getting more content. Are you prepared?
An unexpected patch for Black Ops 2 has popped up today for Xbox 360.
Now that the Guitar Hero franchise is well and truly dead, a lot of artists that may have been tied in to exclusive deals are now free to do what they want with their music. Aerosmith is one such band.