Call of Duty: Ghosts confirmed for Wii U

Breathe a sigh of relief, Nintendo lovers. Call of Duty: Ghosts is officially coming to Wii U.

There’s been a lot of ‘will they, won’t they’ speculation surrounding a Wii U version of the latest Call of Duty game. It’s been announced for every other format but one.

However, Infinity Ward took to the stage during a stage show on Gamespot and executive producer, Mark Rubin finally put speculation to rest. He confirmed a Wii U version of the game is in development, then said.

That’s probably in the next-gen bin, but we’re not actually about Wii U yet. ‘Cause we want to keep it mysterious;

Mysterious, eh? Are Infinity Ward working on special features for the Wii U version of COD: Ghosts? Maybe Riley, gaming’s most famous dog, will get specific touch-screen functionality or perhaps it’ll be something even more interesting?

Either way, this one certainly sounds like it’ll be worth the wait.

Will you be picking up COD: Ghosts on Wii U, or are you holding out for a next-gen version?

(Source: Gamespot video, via NintendoEverything)


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