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GRID Autosport Announced!

Racing fans start your hype engines because popular racing series GRID is back on the scene. Codemasters today announced the next title to be released within the popular racing simulation series GRID. GRID Autosport will be coming to the Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on June the 27th. However…


Watch Dogs eBook Announced

Watch Dogs has an ever expanding world and Ubisoft are looking to explore new avenues in which fans can further their experience. Watch_Dogs //n/Dark Clouds, a newly announced eBook, is a direct sequel to the up and coming Watch Dogs installment.   As if having 30 books under his belt…


Shadowrun Returns 1.2.6 now live

Shadowrun Returns 1.2.6 has now released and adds significant campaign fixes and system improvements. The devs recommend that you update to 1.2.6 immediately if you’ve experienced Dragonfall campaign issues. Here’s the full changelog. It’s a beast…———————————————————————————- New Features, Improvements] [Combat] AoE spells and abilities do not list number of people affected…

Content Update

Octodad PS4 coming next week with new features

Octodad Dadliest Catch will finally release on PS4 next week, according to the Playstation Blog. What’s more, Octodad PS4 will feature additional features not present in the current PC version. These changes are based on player feedback and are focused specifically on the final third of the game. Some ‘radical…

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