
This category contains reviews of all the latest DLC on the market

Content Update

Dead Rising 3 – Season Pass Review

Dead Rising 3 Season Pass Review Developer: Capcom Vancouver Release Date: Out now Format: Xbox One Version Tested: Xbox One Price: £23.99 or $30.00   (Once all the content in a Season Pass has been released, we will pool together all our reviews and give you our final analysis. Once we’ve got the scores together,…


Review: Dead Rising 3 – The Last Agent

Developer: Capcom Vancouver Publisher: Microsoft Studios Release Date: Out now Format: XO Price: £7.99, or part of DR3 season pass This is it. The final piece of content in the Dead Rising 3 Season Pass. To say its been underwhelming would be an understatement, but we’re optimistic Capcom Vancouver can turn this around. I…


Bioshock Infinite – Season Pass Review

Bioshock Infinite Season Pass Review Developer: Irrational Games Release Date: Out now Format: PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Version Tested: Xbox 360 Price: $19.99 or £11.99 (Once all the content in a Season Pass has been released, we will pool together all our reviews and give you our final analysis. Once we’ve got the scores together,…

Content Update

Review: Bioshock Infinite Burial at Sea Episode 2

Developer: Irrational Games Release Date: Out now Format: PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Version Tested: Xbox 360 Price: £8.99, or part of Bioshock Infinite Season Pass   Episode One of Burial at Sea ended with a hefty-sized cliffhanger. Needless to say, the six month wait has been pretty arduous considering the quality of the narrative. That’s…


Review: The Wolf Among Us – A Crooked Mile

Developer: Telltale Games Release Date: Out now Format: PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Vita Version Tested: PC Price: £3.99, or part of TWAU season pass The dramatic concluding events of Episode 2 flow directly into the opening of Episode 3. A Crooked Mile starts off with a bang and synchs up wonderfully with everything that has…


Review: Shadowrun Returns – Dragonfall

For many critics, the best DLC of the year may already be wrapped up. And deservedly so. Naughty Dog’s ‘Left Behind’ was a fantastic narrative-focused adventure that had more characterisation in its sub-two hour duration than many thirty to forty hour blockbuster ever manage. In many ways, we’d be inclined…


Review: The Walking Dead – A House Divided

We’re knee-deep in Clementine’s adventure. We’ve watched this young girl grow into a determined, strong woman as Telltale continue to put her through one traumatic event after another, but this episode is as much about her fellow travellers as her. In fact, Telltale have created a multi-layered, complex piece of…

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