
This category contains reviews of all the latest DLC on the market


Review: Vergil’s Downfall

Ninja Theory came out guns blazing with DmC earlier this year. Dante has been remodelled and reinvigorated and the brand has never looked better for Capcom. Now to draw players back to the game they clocked in January, we’ve got the first major portion of DLC. Vergil’s Downfall has arrived…


Review: Mass Effect 3: Citadel

Citadel is the final piece of content for Bioware’s epic Mass Effect trilogy. There have been ups and downs with the series, high points and low, but there’s no doubt that this content has been long awaited by all who first took this journey with Commander Shepard back in 2007.


Review: Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army

By now, most of us are probably seasoned zombie killers. The past few years have seen an influx of zombie games and some might say the genre has become over-saturated. Regardless, Rebellion have decided to get involved and release a modified version of their game, Sniper Elite V2, entitled Nazi…


Review: Halo 4 Crimson Map Pack

With Halo 4, you’re definitely getting value for money. Coupled with the on-disc content, you also get free weekly Spartan Ops and matchmaking updates expanding 343’s overall vision for the game. The team are incredibly busy trying to make this the most compelling, engaging multiplayer experience they possibly can and…

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