Review: The Tyranny of King Washington: The Redemption
Did Ubisoft manage to finish their 3 part DLC trilogy with an epic final installment? Matt Swindell plays through and finds out…
This category contains reviews of all the latest DLC on the market
Did Ubisoft manage to finish their 3 part DLC trilogy with an epic final installment? Matt Swindell plays through and finds out…
Daud is one of the more memorable antagonists in recent memory. His confrontations with Corvo made for some excellent exchanges in Dishonored, but also presented a lot of questions about his character. In the Knife of Dunwall, we get to learn more about the Daud character; his motivations and aspirations,…
The second release for this round of Call of Duty DLC has landed, but does the high standard set by Revolution continue or was I trigger happy in my infatuation?
One of the biggest and most revered movie releases of all-time, The Empire Strikes Back has received more game tie-ins, both directly and indirectly, than most major Hollywood blockbusters. Its not even the first time the film has crossed over with pinball, but it may well be one of the finest.
At this stage, releasing a follow-up to Starcraft is a little bit like releasing a follow-up to Football or Chess; it’s so ingrained in esports and gamer culture. Starcraft has been, and probably always will be, a driving force in the esports industry, technically being South Korea’s national sport. Heart…
Zen Pinball 2 might be a free download, but the tables aren’t. The question is: How do you decide which is worth buying and which isn’t? We’re going to put together a series of reviews which might just help. Let’s kick things off with movie-licensed table, Marvel’s Avengers Assemble.
Ninja Theory came out guns blazing with DmC earlier this year. Dante has been remodelled and reinvigorated and the brand has never looked better for Capcom. Now to draw players back to the game they clocked in January, we’ve got the first major portion of DLC. Vergil’s Downfall has arrived…
We’re doing something quite different. It’s pretty bold, but we feel it’s a solution to the increasing problem of reviewing the ever-developing game. How does the patch review work? Read about it here The Razing, the 3rd part in ArenaNet’s Flame and Frost patch update for Guild Wars 2, sees…
The second part of The Tyranny of King Washington trilogy has arrived. We had an up and down relationship with the first episode, but generally liked what we played How have Ubisoft upped their game in this second installment?
Citadel is the final piece of content for Bioware’s epic Mass Effect trilogy. There have been ups and downs with the series, high points and low, but there’s no doubt that this content has been long awaited by all who first took this journey with Commander Shepard back in 2007.