Xbox Live Marketplace

Expansive Opportunities

Expansive Opportunities: Flashback

Flashback, commonly considered a spiritual successor to Another World, was a video-game that originally came out back in 1992; veteran gamers will no doubt remember. In 2013, Ubisoft and VectorCell are hoping to reintroduce new players to the franchise with an upcoming remake. Will this prove successful in gaining new fans, whilst…

Expansive Overview

Expansive Overview: Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

The most unusual thing about Blood Dragon is that Ubisoft insist it is related to Far Cry 3. How these games match up is anyone’s guess. Fortunately, this confusion is a secret weapon for Blood Dragon. It plays in a slightly familiar way to one of last year’s most beloved…


Review: The Knife of Dunwall

Daud is one of the more memorable antagonists in recent memory. His confrontations with Corvo made for some excellent exchanges in Dishonored, but also presented a lot of questions about his character. In the Knife of Dunwall, we get to learn more about the Daud character; his motivations and aspirations,…

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