Garry’s Mod is a rich man’s game

Ah, Garry’s Mod. That game full of crazy people and pure chaos. How we love it.

Well, we clearly all do love it as it turns out that it has made money. A LOT of it.

Garry Newman the creator, posted on his blog yesterday saying  “Over 7 years GMod has made about 22 million dollars. We get less than half of that though. Then the tax man gets a bunch of that. Then when we take money out of the company the tax man gets a bunch of that too.”

Launching back in 2004, the game retailed at £5.99 and has been involved in numerous Steam sales and promoted some incredible creations such as Garry’s Mod Kinect.

Facepunch, the team behind Garry’s Mod, is also working on a new PC title, confirmed Newman, “It’s a game I’ve wanted to start work on for ages. I’m trying to get a team together in office to build it this time… I don’t really want to talk about it until we’ve got something more solid though.”

If you’re one of the five people who have yet to play Garry’s Mod, it can be purchased here.



About the author

Joey Edwards

Philosopher of video games and the internet. A wise man once told me "I'm here and I'm ready. They're not. Bring it."
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