First Play

Deus Ex The Fall – First Play

Deus Ex Human Revolution was a stunning return to form for an Intellectual Property many had thought was long-since dead. Square Enix came out guns blazing with the series re-imagining and it worked out well. At the same time, Square Enix also released a mobile spin-off called The Fall. It…

Content Update

APRIL 2014 DLC Release Schedule

The gaming release schedule has started to calm now we’re into April. The busy Q1 scheduleis over and now all roads lead to E3 and the sure to be chock-full Q3 and Q4. But there is still good content to be found here. Killzone Shadow Fall will receive its first, full expansion since…


Cut The Rope is Coming to 3DS

ZeptoLab’s best selling feed-em-up Cut The Rope is making the jump from mobiles for the first time and is heading to Nintendo’s mobile marvel the 3DS. Stylus wielding gamers will be able to test their wits against 650 fiendish physic puzzles with 50 hours of gameplay. All the levels from…

As We Play

Insurgency – As We Play

As We Play offers the thought strands of the reviewer as they’re going through the game. This offers unique content for the reader so they can come to understand the conflicting feelings of the reviewer as they’re playing a game for the very first time. All feedback on this concept is welcome….

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