Director Masahiro Sakurai has confirmed to Joystiq that the 3DS and Wii U version of Super Smash Bros will not allow users to fight one another on their respective systems.
This was a big plus around Sony’s All-Star Fighters, allowing Vita users to fight PS3 rivals at any time, however Nintendo have gone the other way, although good reasons have been provided. Each version of the game will have its unique set of stages.
It’s not a total loss, though. Both versions will interact with each other and players can transfer customised characters between their 3DS and Wii U.
Wait, customised characters!?
Yep. While Sakurai isn’t giving full details, he said this doesn’t just mean interchangeable costumes.
Sakurai still believes that, despite the games not offering cross-play, the connectivity between systems is a crucial component and a key feature of the game.
(Source: Joystiq)