Baldur’s Gate 3 releases earlier than expected and it’s going to be massive

Baldur’s Gate 3 is launching one month earlier on PC and a week later on PS5.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is nearly upon us and it’s set to be massive. Coming to PC on August 3rd and PlayStation 5 on September 6th, the game will supposedly contain ‘more dialogue than three times all three Lord of the Rings books combined’. What…

That works out as a script of over 2 million words, with ‘over 170 hours of cinematics’ – Basically, this game is going to be huge!

7 playable protagonists have been confirmed, across 11 playable races and 31 subraces, 12 classes and 46 subclasses. This will also feature more than 600 spells and actions.

In case you were under any illusion, Baldur’s Gate 3 is going to be massive and we don’t have much longer to wait.

About the author

Sally Willington

Sally is relatively new to gaming since a newfound addiction to Nintendo Switch. Now they just can't stop playing, anything and everything. Sally especially loves a good RPG and thinks that Yuna may just be one of her favourite characters ever.
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