Blade Symphony Dapper Patch 2356

This would-be crossover between Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and Nidhogg  has several major player developers involved .

Currently in Early Access, the dev team are working hard to create a memorable, effective fighting system that they hope will raise the bar of quality in the genre.

This ‘Dapper Patch 2356’ adds a ton of new animations, movement and fighting opportunities for the player that are starting to make that vision more apparent.

Check out the massive changelog below..


  • Intercept animation updated for female
  • Improved male shuffle animations (especially shuffle left)
  • Block animations now care about stance, specifically if the stance has the player facing to the left or right
  • Block animations now react to attacks


  • Gave jumps a more curved arc so as to not feel so “hit the ceiling” (see below)
  • Shuffle and Rolls now have a 0.3s cooldown after Attacking (re feedback on rolls, and shuffles being over-abused post-attack via Inathero, Water, Airlines). This is unaffected by Katana Feint. So don’t freak out. You know who you are.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed attack cancels to be used to ignore shuffle cooldown and vice versa (shuffle canceling bug)

Red line is the old jump and blue line is the new jump

A lot of work was put into refining how the jump feels. The problem was that after pushing the jump button, it felt like characters were hitting their peak a bit too quickly, and then basically stopping at the peak (see the red line above). The original intent was to make the jump feel instant, and powerful, but the limited jump height that we have no didn’t play very nicely with this. Hence, we’ve adjusted the curvature so that it takes slightly longer to reach the peak, but the downward slope and overall height (top graph) and distance (second graph) remain the same.

Side Cancels

  • Adjusted side canceling percentages so they’re more apparent. Seriously, how can someone play 500 hours and not have heard of this feature? Maybe we are failures at informing others of this feature? Anyway, see the new tutorial chapter.
  • Side canceling for fast changed from 50% to 60% (cancels 10% sooner)
  • Side canceling for balanced changed from 35% to 40%
  • Side canceling for heavy changed from 10% to 15%
  • This means that for most side attacks, they can be canceled into their other side counterpart slightly faster. This should empower all side attacks slightly, hopefully make stringing these moves together more responsive.


You get a buff! You get a buff! Everyone gets a buff!

  • Sped up Judgement balanced 2 t1 to comp for openings against phalanx foil fasts
  • Moved Fast S3 T1 (running stab attack) to S3 T2 and swapped back in the old T1 animation (feedback re … a lot of players, but special thanks to ebunny for the great writeup)


Gentleman “Mask” by Hydra

  • Air stance now have a bit more turning (re feedback on Phalanx air’s current difficulty to use)
  • Air stance side attacks now cover more distance overall as it was being pretty useless as an anti-heavy tool, and hopefully more useful (re WhoArts feedback on their uselessness compared to Forward)
  • Modified air left so it can’t be abused too badly with feint
  • Reduced Balanced Strafing attacks (moveable sides) lock time from 1.0 to 0.8 for left, and 1.1 to 0.9 for right
  • Reduced Balanced Strafing attacks velocity pinching on the ground slightly and made the pinch happen closer to the end of the attack (re feedback on these moves being clunky)
  • Reduced lock time for Heavy Left all tiers so that Phalanx has a better heavy stance shield move (1.0 to 0.8, 1.4 to 0.9, and 1.4 to 1.2 for each tier respectively)
  • Increased fast stance knockback very slightly overall to give opponents more breathing room between fast pokes
  • Reduced knockback for Fast 4 T1 by a lot, since Phalanx already has the natural bounce-back on the move and movement abilities are no longer usable to deal with catching back up to Phalanx



  • New Pure Fast S1 T3 attack, an instant-start version of T1
  • New Pure Fast S2 T3 attack, a vertical attack with a follow-up
  • New Pure Fast S3 T3 sliding knock-down attack
  • New Pure Balanced S1 T2, which is a long-held version of T1 used as a better tracer parry block
  • New Pure Balanced S2 T2, a slower version of T1 dealing damage the whole way through
  • New Pure Balanced S3 T2, a slower version of T1 with tracers starting earlier and ending later
  • New Pure Balanced Right T2, a slower version of T1 with active tracers nearly the entire animation
  • Updated Pure Heavy Stance upper body animation


  • Trimmed air side attacks so they don’t linger on the ground
  • Added a bit more land-lock time for Ryoku air side attacks (0.75s to 0.9s)


  • Renamed to Rapier (requested by lots of people who actually use the weapon IRL) (rest of stats, website, etc still needs to be updated)
  • Increased parry recovery time for the Parry user on forward attacks from 125% to 130%
  • Decreased knock-back on Foil from 25% to 15%
  • Fixed a bug that was allowing back+attack to escape the parry recovery penalty


  • Forward damage increased from 75% to 80%


  • Disabled tracer refraction effect when shader settings are on low/med


  • Leagues now update immediately after duels


  • Fixed unapproved items not showing up on local player
  • Fixed a workshop crash when publishing items
  • Fixed an issue where masks for Phalanx were not working
  • Fixed mask icons in menu not refreshing if item was subscribed while customization screen is open


  • Community map updates (storage room, rooftops) and fixed some clipping issues
  • Fixed camera passing through deck fencing on free_winter


  • Added initial version of Canceling tutorial chapter, covers side canceling, feint canceling, and air canceling.
  • Swapped some wording in the tutorial.


  • AI Practice mode will now randomize the practice opponent’s character
  • The bot now randomizes stances
  • Removed intro camera from Bot practice


  • Updated credits
  • Hello reddit
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