WIN Turmoil and The Heat Is On – Competition
Want to win a copy of Turmoil and its new DLC The Heat Is On? We have 12 codes to give away!
All the latest DLC News
Want to win a copy of Turmoil and its new DLC The Heat Is On? We have 12 codes to give away!
Shantae Half-Genie Hero Costume Pack DLC will release on April 10th
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands is receiving Year 2 content starting April 10th.
Call of Duty WWII DLC 2 The War Machine gets a new trailer
World of Tanks War Stories Spoils of War is available now on consoles as a free update
The Desolation of Mordor will release on May 8th
War for the Overworld The Under Games and Patch 2.0 will release on April 20
Double Kick Heroes is the kind of game I want to play but there’s still a few issues that need to be ironed out before full launch
April is certainly not a quiet month for DLC in 2018 with updates for Rocket League, Streetfighter V, Call of Duty, Hearthstone, and possibly a massive World Cup expansion for FIFA 18!
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 gets New Quests Pack 2