

Killzone Shadow Fall 1.06 drops

Another new update for Killzone: Shadow Fall has dropped today. Coming in at a respectable 83mb, the update briefly indicates that it fixes in-game stability. Assumedly, this is for both the single and multiplayer portions of Shadowfall (as both aspects of the game have been a bit shaky at best)…


Playstation 4 gets brief 1.52 update

A very brief, minor update has popped up for download on PS4 today. Bringing the firmware to 1.52, the update merely adds some software stability when using key Playstation 4 features, such as sharing, jumping to the home screen and looking at latest application information That said, for such a…


Putty Squad PS4 gets first update

Putty Squad, the ultimate 80’s throwback on PS4, has received its first update since launching on the platform. The update is relatively basic but adds some key changes. The list goes… Added global leaderboards for Marathon mode Various movie and graphical improvements Many gameplay improvements Fixed various bugs The game…


Blacklight Retribution PS4 patch 1.02 hits

Blacklight Retribution has only just launched on PS4 but has already received a significant update to improve overall stability. Here are the full patch notes Fixed ping calculations used in game searches Fixed bug causing game searches to fail when they shouldn’t have Social menu now support as many friends…


Contrast PS4 patch now available

A stability patch for PS Plus freebie, Contrast, is now available to download on PS4. The game suffered from many stutters and crashes, but this patch aims to fix all of that and for the better. This patch is still awaiting clearance in the North America territories. The PS3 version…

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