Past Cure v2.0 reinvigorates with a game changing content update
Past Cure v2.0 reinvigorates the game from the ground up with tons of new content
Past Cure v2.0 reinvigorates the game from the ground up with tons of new content
Far Cry 5: Lost On Mars is a big improvement over Hours of Darkness and a ton of fun
Hollow Knight: Gods and Glory DLC will arrive on August 23
South Park: The Fractured But Whole Bring the Crunch DLC arrives July 31.
No Man’s Sky NEXT will finally arrive on July 24 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One
The Spectrum Retreat is a refreshing independent game with some big ideas and ambition.
Advanced Gungeons and Draguns will be arriving in Enter the Gungeon on July 17
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire’s first expansion, Beast of Winter, releases August 2.
World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth Pre-Expansion Patch v8.0 launches July 17
Q.U.B.E.2 Puzzle Pack 1 is entitled Lost Orbit and we have the first details