Armello 1.5 Art of Treason goes live with Seasons Board Skin Pack
Armello 1.5 adds Act of Treason Content Update and gets new DLC pack
Armello 1.5 adds Act of Treason Content Update and gets new DLC pack
Star Wars Battlefront gets final DLC on December 6th to celebrate release of Rogue One
Dishonored 2 is getting a New Game + mode in December
Tyranny’s first patch tweaks quests and character attributes
Civilization VI receives Fall Update with Cavalry and Cannonades Scenario
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare receives first Title Update
Killing Floor 2 on PS4 is stripped back compared to PC but is strong co-op based fun as good as we’ve seen it on the console.
Fallout 4 v 1.8 adds mod support to Playstation 4
Awesomenauts 3.3 revolutionises matchmaking system and retools the UI
Gwent 0.8.16 is the first major patch for the game and is available now