As We Play

Fallout 4 – Expanalysis

This article gives our impressions on the Xbox One Version of Fallout 4. Based on the most recent patch as of December 9th 2015 The sky has turned a menacing shade of green and a nuclear storm has started to bear down on me. I should be looking for cover, but…

As We Play

The Talos Principle – Expanalysis

This article gives our impressions on the Playstation 4 version of the game. Visions of Portal and The Stanley Parable immediately come to mind while exploring the rich, glorious world of The Talos Principle, but it’s very much a game that stands on its own merits. At first, it seems…

As We Play

LEGO Dimensions – Expanalysis

This article gives our impressions on the Xbox One version of the game. Where LEGO Dimensions is concerned, it always seemed like a matter of when, rather than if. Traveller’s Tales have been building towards this moment since the LEGO Star Wars games first graced our screens. What we have now…

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