Trion Worlds TV/ Videogame crossover MMO Defiance will at last be receiving it’s first piece of paid DLC on August the 2oth as announced yesturday. Show during E3 the DLC titled the ‘Castithian Charge Pack’ introduces the Castithian’s as a playable race as well as a series of other interesting features including the ‘Raptor Truck’ the games first four player vehicle and Casthithan light sab… I mean melee weapons (One of which can be won in the new Battle Arenas as a reward. You’ll also have to battle against ‘Volge’ in new massive Siege battles.
However will all of this added be enough for those early adopters who purchased the games DLC pass for $40 when It was released way back in April, It’s DLC that’s been a long time coming.
The DLC will be released simultaneous across all three platforms Xbox, Ps3 and PC and for those of you who didn’t purchase the season pass it will set you back either 800MP or $9.99. There will also be a plethora of free updates available such as new weapons, sieges and PVP maps.
Be sure to check back to Expansive come August 20th for our final verdict on Defiance first significant piece of DLC.
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