Departure Denied! – Episode #3 – The Knight Bus and Fortress Tips and Tricks

Departure Denied is a brand new Podcast dedicated to Harry Potter Wizards Unite.

It’s hosted by Expansive DLC and created by the Cardiff Wizards Unite Community.

If you missed the first two episodes, you can listen here.

On this episode, we look ahead to The Knight Bus and give you some tips and tricks on what each class can do, talk strategies and explain how best to work together. We also look back on the 24 hour Community Day, discuss the brand new Registry Page and the ongoing Brilliant Event – Burrow Beseiged Part 2. (This was recorded prior to the rollout of Remote Fortressing via Knight Bus and Update 2.12.0 .)

Big thanks to Kitsune Kirusu for creating the Departure Denied image.

This Podcast can also be found on iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, and Podbean.

This podcast is not affiliated with WB Games/Niantic/Portkey Games.

Credit goes to Orange Wizard for the images, Wizards Unite Hub and Animagus for information in his video.

Any questions for the group? Let us know in the comments!

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