
Evolve has gone gold

We’re just weeks away from Turtle Rock’s Evolve. The game has officially gone GOLD! The game is scheduled to launch February 10th, so it’s a surprise to hear the game has gone Gold already. That said, Evolve has the distinct pleasure of being one of the first major releases in…


Kingdom Hearts 3 to arrive in 2015?

Now here’s something. Just last month the re-release of Kingdom Hearts 2 on PS3 launched, bringing both original games and respective spin-offs to a modern platform. But as great as that is, the news we’re all waiting for is, of course, when Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to make its…


Ace Attorney Trilogy – As We Play

Capcom found a really unique niche with Phoenix Wright and his band of merry attorneys. Starting life as a Nintendo exclusive, the original games recently saw life on mobile appstores for the first time to much critical acclaim. But while we love the fact that more people are finally getting…


Are games giving us too much?

Dragon Age Inquisition surprised me in many ways, but my biggest surprise of all was that it actually gave me a greater appreciation for the oftly criticized second installment. You see, that was a tight experience that still offered a shed-load of content, yet it knew its limits. It managed…

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