
The Crew Customisation Trailer

Ubisoft’s upcoming online, open world race-em-up The Crew got a new trailer today showing of the spiffing customization options available to gaming petrol heads. It’s not just cosmetic either with a whole host of customizations parts and spec available for street, performance and off road racing amongst others. Let’s take…

As We Play

Sunset Overdrive – As We Play

Format – Xbox One Version – 1.01 Sunset Overdrive kicks off an important winter for Microsoft. Along with the incoming Master Chief Collection, the hope is that these AAA exclusives can sell Xbox One consoles. Whilst I’m not convinced that Sunset Overdrive can do this on its own, it certainly…

Expansive Overview

The Golden Joystick Awards 2014

The 32nd Golden Joysticks awards was an extremely triumphant day and one that stands as an ever increasing landmark of the popularity of both the awards and the gaming industry in general. There were deserved winners and some close runners up all presented excellently by Ed Byrne who lent flare,…

As We Play

Shadow Warrior – As We Play

Format – XO Version – 1.01 We obsessed, reflected and dreamed about Duke Nukem Forever for 12 years, but when it came to the crunch, the game let us down on just about every level. Such was Duke 3D’s influence and impact that anticipation of a sequel reached fever pitch,…

As We Play

Costume Quest 2 – As We Play

Format – PC Version – 1.01 Just in time for Halloween, Costume Quest 2 arrives on Steam with its would-be friendly appearance, and over the top enemies, all dashed off with some adult humour.  But does it gel as well together as it did the first time around? Graphics With…


DeadCore is out now!

You know what we don’t have enough of? That’s right, platforming first person shooters set in mysterious futuristic worlds. That my friend, is where 5 bits Games interesting new exploratory puzzle-em-up DeadCore comes in; said to combine exploration, puzzles and speedrun tactics this could be the game we have all…

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