
Contrast gets another PS4 patch

Another Contrast patch has sneaked out for the PS4 version of Contrast. Slipping under the radar a bit, the update only provides two notable changes, again focusing on isolated issues. Firstly, many have suggested that the spotlight aiming would not lock when user reloaded/restarted the game while aiming the spotlight….

As We Play

Don’t Starve – As We Play

As we play offers the thought strands of the reviewer as they’re going through the game. This offers unique content for the reader so they can come to understand the conflicting feelings of the reviewer as they’re playing a game for the very first time. All feedback on this concept…


Review: Broken Age (Act I)

It says a lot about Double Fine and their following that even before its release, Broken Age quickly became one of the most influential titles of recent years. In much the same way as Minecraft birthed an entire generation of games sold in an incomplete state, but were developed (or…

Content Update

Unity 4.3 offers major Playstation Vita support

The next Unity update will offer major support for Playstation Vita, opening up the connectivity to the public for the very first time. Providing a developer has licensed consent from SCE, they will be able to make games on Playstation Vita, taking advantage of platform-specific functionality. This includes, the following……


Expansive is Expanding

Expansive is expanding… 2014 is going to be a huge year for Expansive DLC. Last year, we admittedly spent most of the time trying to craft our identity. The site is ambitious and has lofty goals that differ widely from the majority. It took a while to get those ideas…

Content Update

First Killzone: Shadow Fall DLC maps shown off

Guerilla Games have released concept art for the first DLC maps for Killzone: Shadow Fall. Called The Cruiser and The Hangar, each map is offering something different to players. The Cruiser offers close-quarter combat with labyrinthine routes. Meanwhile The Hangar offers sniper-friendly spaces and secret flanking routes. The maps will…

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