Nintendo will host a Pre-E3 Presentation
Who’s not surprised? Nintendo may not be hosting a big conference at E3 like Sony and Microsoft but they will be hosting a pre-show event that will likely reveal many of the playable titles on the showfloor.
Who’s not surprised? Nintendo may not be hosting a big conference at E3 like Sony and Microsoft but they will be hosting a pre-show event that will likely reveal many of the playable titles on the showfloor.
Call of Juarez is getting a spin-off called Gunslinger and it will be releasing as a digital-download only.
Almost all future Star Wars games will be developed by EA studios thanks to a new multi-year agreement with Disney.
The first major pieces of content for God of War: Ascension hit PSN tomorrow and can be used in multiplayer.
Finally announced today is the much anticipated sequel to the popular PopCap game Plants vs Zombies, and yes, its aptly named ‘Plants vs Zombies 2: It’s About Time’. The game is set for a July release window.
Just because The Sims 4 has been announced, that doesn’t mean support for The Sims 3 is ending any time soon. The game has three major expansions due for release this year.
Creative puzzler Q.U.B.E from Welsh development team, Toxic Games, has just received its first major content pack.
The Sims 4 has been officially announced by EA and will release in 2014. But you probably already guessed that with the domain registrations over the weekend.
An inadvertent leak may have just uncovered a brand new League of Legends champion.
All the pre-order incentives for Dishonored are going to bundled into a Void Walker’s Arsenal pack.