Wii U


Rayman Legends to be released for PC

Today, Ubisoft announced that it’s forthcoming title, Rayman Legends, which is already scheduled for release on the Wii U, Xbox 360, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3, will also be available for PC. All versions of the game will hit shelves on August 30th 2013. Quoted as “the most anticipated platformer…


Expansive Overview Pikmin 3

HD remakes simply don’t quench the thirst for a brand new instalment of a beloved franchise. Sure, Nintendo tried their best by re-releasing Pikmin 1 and 2 on Wii, making full using of the Wii Remote instead of the standard gamepad, but if we’re all a bit honest none of…

Expansive Opportunities

Super Mario 3D World Preview: A Whole New World?

When last month’s Nintendo Direct finally unveiled a new Wii U Mario title, this almost certainly wasn’t the 3D Mario game that most Nintendo fans were hoping for. After the grandiose scope and masterclass in level design showcased in Super Mario Galaxy, a multiplayer sequel to last years ‘back to…


Ubisoft launches Watch Dogs WeareData website

Set for release in the next few months, Watch Dogs publisher Ubisoft has gone all out and launched WeareData, an experiential website designed to gather and graph publicly unprotected social data. So far, only three cities are initially available; London, Paris, and Berlin. The website, an impressive promotional tool for the…

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