Vampire Survivors gets first DLC Legacy of the Moonspell on December 15

Vampire Survivors is already one of the years’ biggest games and it’s about to get even larger.

The first, full-fledged DLC ‘Legacy of the Moonspell’ is launching on December 15 and it’s going to add a little bit of everything to the game.

Six new music tracks will be added in the first instance, but from there a brand new stage ‘Mt. Moonspell’.

A whopping 13 new weapons will also be included, adding the likes of ‘Silver Wind’ which is a staff used by the Moonspell Clan, a set of orbs called ‘Four Seasons’ which have varying properties and a ‘Mirage Robe’ which looks lovely but contains a vengeful spirit.

There will also be 8 new characters introduced with the content, these are a disciple of the Moonspell Clan – Miang Moonspell, an Elder with god-like powers, Menya Moonspell, and an undead charm, Babi-Onna.

Legacy of the Moonspell will launch for Vampire Survivors on December 15. Guess I’ve got another reason to dive back in again.

About the author

Sam Diglett

Sam grew up with a PS2, spending hours howling at the moon in Okami and giving students wedgies in Bully. Fortunately, she also likes Pokemon because otherwise life could have been quite annoying for her.
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