The Division 2 will have massive 50GB Day One Patch on Xbox One, 90GB on PS4
The Division 2 will have massive Day One Patches
The Division 2 will have massive Day One Patches
Dynasty Warriors 9 is adding new weapons as standalone DLC from its Season Pass 3
Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Upgrade DLC now available as standalone purchase
Bloodline is a step up in quality over Shadow Heritage, but the concluding part suffers from the mistakes of its predecessor
Boundless Update 217 finally adds Sanctum Editor for PC Owners
Shadow of the Tomb Raider The Serpent’s Heart DLC is now available
Gwent’s first major expansion – Crimson Curse – releases March 28
Pebberley Island is being added to Two Point Hospital
Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Edition may have the best packed in DLC in ages