Become Vergil from Devil May Cry in new costume crossover for Streetfighter V

Devil May Cry 5 Key Art

Cody just got a brand new costume in Streetfighter V Arcade Edition and we think Devil May Cry fans will love it.

Now you can become Vergil with this Cody crossover costume, but there is a bit of a catch.

You will have to collect it in Extra Battle Mode in order to unlock the costume, as well as some cool DMC music.

The first section is open now, between August 30 and September 5. This is quickly followed by September 6 – 12.

Final date ranges are September 13 – 19 and September 20 – 27.

In addition to Cody’s Vergil costume, there’s Battle Music for Vergil, Dante, and Nero that can be unlocked in game.

It’s not the Devil May Cry 5 DLC we all wanted, but it’s something. So go get collecting!

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