It’s December (where did that come from??) and that means we’re bringing to a close one of the most important years in the gaming industry.
Two brand new consoles, many important, platform defining titles and the continued quality of independent releases. 2013 has been an incredible year for gaming and we intend to support that with the first ever Expansive DLC Advent Calendar awards.
One award will be given out every day in December, with the whole thing concluding on December 31st when we will announce our Game of the Year.
Every good game needs a great character and 2013 has introduced us to some remarkably special individuals.
Today, we will celebrate these newcomers by revealing our favourites.

Tearaway is an infectious, charming wonder-game and its protagonists, Atoi and Iota are immediately responsible for that. This paper meche world is filled with delight, the whole universe looking up to ‘You’, who usually pops up as the face of the sun. Atoi and Iota have introduced us to a fantastic new world and brought a level of charm we haven’t seen in games for some time.

Mr Drippy
Tidy! This wouldn’t be a 2013 best character list without a Welsh fairy with a lantern for a nose-ring now, would it? While not the main protagonist, Drippy is the star of Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. The quirky collaboration from Studio Ghibli and Level-5 charmed the socks of us back in February and this little guy and his Welsh’isms are a huge part of that.

Edward Kenway
Speaking of Wales, its definitely having a massive impact on gaming culture this year. Lead protagonist of Assassin’s Creed 4, Edward Kenway was born out of Swansea and came from a mother living in Cardiff. His deep Welsh roots perfectly compliment the piratey-times depicted in Ubisoft’s latest. Throw in some quippy retorts and sly-rogue tendencies and we have the best Creed protagonist to date.

Perhaps the most polarising choice. Many were outraged by Trevor’s antics, not least of which, a certain torture sequence. Meanwhile, others managed to find endearing qualities in with his brash, brutal outlook. Regardless, Trevor is a unique character that you won’t soon forget and is easily one of the most memorable new gaming characters this year.

Arguably the most surprising entry, but in our opinion, Elizabeth is the best AI companion in a video game since Alyx. Yes, we went there! We felt the urge to defend her honor. We felt the twinge in our stomach during that mid-game scene of betrayal. All the while, we totally understood her symbolism and importance to the Bioshock franchise. Elizabeth is a worthy entrant and we absolutely loved meeting her back in March.

While many would argue the duet of Joel and Ellie should be nominated, it was Ellie that really got to us. We came to understand the fractured world of The Last of Us through her eyes. It was her perception of the way things were coming apart that was both heart-breaking and inspiring. Her relationship with Joel took us on an incredible journey, one we won’t soon forget. Not since Clementine have my paternal instincts kicked in so hard for a fellow character, but even in that, Ellie’s strength and resolve was all the motivation I needed to see me through this monumental adventure.

Yes, we really nominated a dog. But if we were to tell you that Riley has more character than the whole ensemble cast of most Call of Duty games, things might start to make sense. Riley’s fearlessness on the battlefield is beautifully complimented by his affection for his fellow comrade. Arguably the world’s most famous gaming dog, Riley took our virtual screens by storm last month and is unquestionably the Poster-Pooch for Activision’s new premier-league Call of Duty series.

Rex Colt
We close out the nominees by going back in time to the 80’s. Rex Colt is an action-hero from a bygone era, but even though his catchphrases and technological interfaces are out of date, he’s a dude that knows how to kick a lot of ass, and that’s a message we can all understand. The crazy thing? The half man/half cyborg is now the most recognisable name when it comes to Far Cry and it’s not hard to see why. We highly doubt Blood Dragon will be the last we see of this fella-me-bloke.
Of course, there can only be one winner….
We just couldn’t allow this to be anyone else. What a special, truly wonderful character Naughty Dog have managed to create. The emotional evolution she undergoes from start to finish is astonishing and sets some of the most mature tones we have ever seen in a video-game. Naughty Dog helped changed narrative perception of games and Ellie played a crucial role in that. While we may never see her in another game again, her performance will never be forgotten. Ashley Johnson nailed it!
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