Brand new Battlefield 3 End Game video shows off new footage

Today, EA released a video interview with lead designer Niklas Fegraeus talking about the brand new maps and game modes coming with the final DLC ‘End Game’. The DLC will release later this month and features four new maps; Sabalan Pipline, Nebandan Flats and Kiasar Railroads which are based around the four seasons. Capture the flag makes a return to the Battlefield franchise, as does air superiority in which players will battle it out in jets to control the air space.

“We’re going all in with speed, speed and agility is the theme of this pack. So End Game is all about the adrenaline that comes with high speed combat” said Fegraeus and mentioned how the new vehicle, the motorbike will be vital to creating the adrenaline pumping gameplay.

About the author

Joey Edwards

Philosopher of video games and the internet. A wise man once told me "I'm here and I'm ready. They're not. Bring it."
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