Casey Jones & the Junkyard Jam DLC coming to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Splintered Fate

The masked, hockey stick wielding vigilante is joining TMNT: Splintered Fate as the game’s first DLC.

Casey Jones and the Junkyard Jam launches February 5th on Steam, EGS, and Switch and will let you play as Casey for the first time.

Casey has a unique playstyle that also throws in a ranged attack but his focus is very much on a close-ranged, smash mouth style. Regardless, this will offer you a new way to play the game if you’ve already beat it or looking for a new reason to dip in again.

Not to mention there’s an all new Biome to check out – Punk Yard where he’ll fight against the Punk Frogs themselves. This of course opens up possibilities for new enemies, new routes to take and artifacts to claim!

Haven’t checked out Splintered Fate yet? We adored it and claim it’s the closest thing to Hades you can find that isn’t actually Hades!

Casey Jones & the Junkyard Jam launches February 5th.

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