

DOTA 2: Like a Noob – Part 2

I’m like a new man. After weeks in the metaphorical gymnasium of DotA2  I’ve mastered the middle lane, last hitting has become second nature and I know how to deny – although I’m still crap at it. A big leap, i’m sure you’ll agree, from my first foray into the…


April Ryan actress needs help with medical bills

The Longest Journey and Dreamfall are among some of the finest adventure games ever to be released.  They are well-written, excellently produced and full of wonderful, memorable characters that have lived with us long since the games have been finished. One character, most of all, has our attention. April Ryan….


The history of the Khajiit

Khajiits, in one form or another, have been a part of The Elder Scrolls games since the very beginning. Their natural agility, stealth and silver-tongues make them effective thieves, assassins and competent warriors on the battlefield. As of writing, my Level 18 Dragonknight in The Elder Scrolls Online is a…


ESA Survey Reveals Average Gamer Age

I have been fortunate enough to see gaming progress from the early Atari days into something I always dreamed about when I was a kid. Looking at how most games are marketed, I recently had enough self-awareness to ask myself the question “Am I too old to still be playing…


Kickers Corner – DieselStörmers

Over on the Kickstarter horizon, where you can give a wee bit of money to help make the next best thing a reality, is DieselStörmers.  Think action run’n’gun, Metal Slug meets Left 4 Dead meets Diablo sort of game.  It also looks as mad as a sack full of cats….


Is this goodbye, 3D?

The presence of fully-featured 3D in our entertainment circle is long and established. There’s an extensive library of 3D films at the cinema and 3D TVs are becoming more of a mainstay in homes. It’s a multi-million dollar business for films, with the IMAX environment becoming a more popular way…


The Gadget Show Coverage – Part Two

It’s time for another installment of Smiley Dave at The Gadget Show. Our trusty reporter has already seen some crazy sights, but nothing could have prepared him for this. Warmth pads for cold-hearted ex-girlfriends? Check. Indestructible tablet and phone cases? Check. Speakers to direct tablet audio straight at your ears?…


Bundle Overview – Six New Bundles

Game bundles seem to be a bit like buses. You wait a while for one of them to appear, then suddenly loads of them all turn up at once. The case here? Within just two days, five bundles have all popped up in quick succession with packs from Humble Bundle, Groupees, Indie…

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