First Jump Force DLC expected in May according to Japanese Magazine
Jump Force DLC isn’t expected until May
Jump Force DLC isn’t expected until May
Negan and Julia Chang join the Tekken 7 roster as DLC on February 28th
Final Fantasy XV DLC Episode Ardyn will release March 26, 2019, new animated prologue video released
Sunless Skies just got another huge patch ahead of a major content update
Soul Calibur 6 will add Amy as DLC very soon
Crackdown 3’s first major patch will aim to respond to key issues players are having with the game
The Elder Scrolls Online Wrathstone DLC launches February 25 on PC and Mac
Resident Evil 2 gets new DLC to give you old costumes
Dead or Alive 6 to receive KOF and Fatal Fury DLC in Season Pack 1
Civilization 6 has conjured up a perfect storm with its latest expansion, Gathering Storm.