Battlezone: Combat Commander is a Battlezone 2 Remaster
Battlezone: Combat Commander, a remaster of Battlezone 2, has been announced for 2018
All the latest DLC News
Battlezone: Combat Commander, a remaster of Battlezone 2, has been announced for 2018
Civilization VI Rise and Fall is the first major expansion for the game and will release February 8th 2018
Steep Road to the Olympics Open Beta is available from today
Final Fantasy XV Monster of the Deep is now available for Playstation VR
Skyrim Switch 1.11 now adds video capture support
Rainbow Six Siege will get a Year 3 Season Pass from December 12
Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom gets a gorgeous looking new trailer
Star Wars Battlefront 2 has removed all micro-transactions from the game. For the time being.
World of Warcraft turns 13 and gets new stuff!