
All the latest DLC News


Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Gets a Trailer

Upcoming action RPG-em-up Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor may not be out until September, but those fine folks at Monolith Productions have released a shiny new trailer to whet your appetite. The official PR blurb states: Offering an all-new look inside the gameplay of the highly anticipated action game Middle-earth: Shadow…


World Of Tanks Gets Exciting New Stuff

Update 9.2 of’s excellent action MMO-em-up has been unleashed and it is full of exciting new content and a whole bunch of spit and polish. Arguably the most exciting innovation is the new game mode Strongholds. Designed specifically for clan members; Strongholds represents clan property and consist of a…


New Assassin’s Creed Unity Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Unity is coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One in October and today Ubisoft kicked the PR machine up a notch releasing a new and exciting trailer! This trailer focusses on Elise “an independent young noblewoman, determined to secure her place in the Templar dynasty amidst the chaos…


The Banner Saga Gets Physical

The really rather spiffing viking-themed tactical role-play-em-up, The Banner Saga, is coming to real world stores near you, assuming you live in Europe, Australia or New Zealand, that is. But you don’t just get a copy of the game, oh no; this is The Banner Saga: The Collector’s Edition, baby!…

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