
All the latest DLC News


June 2014 DLC Release Schedule

June is all about the E3 hype-train. Expectedly, the game releases have slowed down considerably, and those that are releasing are not seeing a great amount of content. At least, not right away. Most have pre-order incentives, such as the Bruce Lee character for UFC and Wildstar’s Deluxe Edition extras….


The Decline of Future Publishing and Print Media

The digitisation of everything in our fast paced world has been leaving more and more traditional companies behind. Those who have failed to adapt quickly enough to the transformation of traditional forms of physical media. Print media is possibly most affected in this transition period, where niche magazines struggle to…


Expansive News of the Week 31/05/14

As always, this week has been filled with massive gaming headlines and the Expansive News of the Week is the best place to catch up on all that gaming goodness that you may have missed! In this weeks episode, I’ll be filling you in with all the latest details about…


World of Warships Developer Q&A

World of Warships Developer, Wargaming, have put together a helpful Q&A video answering the most common queries from the free-to-play MMO action-em-up’s community. If your first question is “What is World of Warships?” then I better field that one before you get to the video… In short, World of Warships…


Mario Kart 8 Price Alerts

Come May 30th, Mario Kart 8 will launch on Wii U and if you purchase and register it before July 31, you can claim one of ten Wii U titles for no additional charge. How generous! The full list is shown below.. New Super Mario Brothers U Wind Waker HD…

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