
All the latest DLC News


Godus v2.0.4 adds a brand new homeworld

Peter Molyneux and co are clearly in full update mode now. Godus v2.0.4 has released today and adds an abundance of new fixes. In fact, the update is so substantial that a brand new homeworld has been added to give a more substantial playground for the fixes. Frustratingly, however, if…


Expansive at Rezzed Part One

Can we Axe you a Question? Smiley Dave is back in front of the camera, this time at the Indie Games Industry extravaganza, Rezzed.  There, he got to speak to many high-profile Indie developers about their upcoming games, including the likes of Spilt Milk Studios, Hypersloth Games and Dlala Studios….


Divinity: Original Sin Beta Hits Steam

Just under a year ago, Larian Studios kickstarted Divinity: Original Sin, an old-school isometric RGP to the tune of $944, 282. Today the 19,541 backers can get their clammy hands on the game for the first time as the beta goes live on Steam Early Access, hooray! If you’re coming late…

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