Content Update

War Thunder 1.37 flies high

Gajin Entertainment have released a new update for War Thunder, available in Open Beta on PC and Playstation 4. Update 1.37 introduces new progression system, new planes and combat maps.  The update adds a whopping 20 new aircraft, such as Ki-84 Japanese Fighter and German attack plane Hs.129B-3. As a…

Content Update

Call of Duty Ghosts Season Pass outlined

The Call of Duty: Ghosts Season Pass has been outlined in a new video from Activision. The Season Pass will contain four new packs, each entitled Onslaught, Devastation, Invasion and Nemesis. Each pack will contain a bonus weapon and a ‘unique four part episodic Extinction experience.’ This would seem to…

Content Update

Marvel is coming to Minecraft

Minecraft on Xbox 360 will receive even more costumes and skins in a new update from 4J Studios. This time, however, we’re not celebrating games, but the brilliance of Marvel and The Avengers. The enormous pack will include a whopping 35 Marvel characters, such as Hulk, Loki, Thor, Iron Man…

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