Expansive Overview

Expansive Overview: Company of Heroes 2

I recently read an article suggesting that given the slew of modern military shooters, a game set during World War II would actually be a breath of fresh air.  Well, RTS giants Relic Entertainment are back, fresh air in tow, with the sequel to their 2006 critically acclaimed hit Company…


Rogue Legacy v 1.0.11 released

Rogue Legacy, the quirky dungeon crawler, has received one of its first major updates and it fixes several key issues players have been having with the game. For instance, players could die when they kill a boss. That’s not been fixed. The save system has also been fixed and data…

App Store

July DLC Release Schedule

Gaming releases are finally starting to slow down, though there are a few notable releases in July. Civilization V will receive another major expansion in the form of Brave New World. We’ll also get to see The Walking Dead: 400 Days on all formats. The first Bioshock Infinite DLC is…


Ubisoft launches Watch Dogs WeareData website

Set for release in the next few months, Watch Dogs publisher Ubisoft has gone all out and launched WeareData, an experiential website designed to gather and graph publicly unprotected social data. So far, only three cities are initially available; London, Paris, and Berlin. The website, an impressive promotional tool for the…

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