Watch Dogs 2 now on PC with specific optimizations
Watch Dogs 2 arrives on PC with full 4K Support and other specific optimizations
Watch Dogs 2 arrives on PC with full 4K Support and other specific optimizations
Rainbow Six Siege Year 2 Pass available for pre-purchase
The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan come to Hearthstone on December 1st
Enter the Gungeon 1.0.11 beta adds a new Save and Exit feature
Hitman 1.7.0 adds offline profile, enemy pull and revamped statistics screen
The Dwarves is a beardifully flawed game that is let down by numerous technical shortcomings
Darksiders Warmastered Edition is a masterclass on how to rejuvinate and reinvigorate a brand in the most remarkable way
No Man’s Sky 1.1 Foundation Update is quite extraordinary
Planet Coaster 1.0.1 is live and adds new blueprints and harder challenge setting
No Man’s Sky 1.10 Foundation Update is coming this week